Configure Birthday Campaign

This use case describes how to build a campaign that celebrates an important occasion in the lives of your customers. When an occasion is special and celebrated just once a year, such as a birthday, it presents an excellent opportunity to connect with a customer. While this use case focuses on the evergreen event of a birthdays, other noteworthy events could be configured. For example, Mother's Day, Father's Day, or even the anniversary of the customer's enrollment in your loyalty program. No matter the occasion, celebrating a customer on a special day makes them feel appreciated. For more information, see the platform strategy, "Send 50% discount one week before member's birthday."

A critical aspect of this use case is that it features a birthday message that can be constructed with the customer profile content the customer generated when they signed up for the loyalty program.

Customer Journey

One helpful way of understanding this use case is to consider how it reflects the customer's experience, or journey, in the "real world."

Customer signs up for loyalty program at footwear retailer website, providing their birthday

Client middleware builds profile on SessionM using customer's sign-up data

SessionM evaluates if customer qualifies for birthday campaign ruleset; if so, awards point or offer outcome

SessioM sends birthday message payload to messaging provider, which also specifies message template to trigger

Messaging provider sends email to customer detailing birthday offer or points to use with future footware purchases

Customer acts on message by clicking a link in the email

Platform Configuration

Before implementing this use case, ensure the following have been configured:


Custom attributes created for customer profile targeted by birthday campaign.


Evergreen birthday campaign configured to include "Date of Birth" attribute. Define audience, behavior, and external message for campaign that targets customers engaging in birthday event.

Webhook pointing to client's messaging provider. Please consult with the SessionM team for guidance on this work.

Webhook variant for custom event using client's webhook provider. Note that in its body, the variant should contain all the information defined in the interface contract with the client, such as customer ID and the amount of points issued as part of the campaign. In short, all of the data to be included in the birthday message.

Third Party Message Provider

Consult with SessionM team to configure the integration with the message provider. For more information on this aspect of the use case, see Integrate Campaign with External System.

Loyalty Outcomes

Outcomes that use point accounts and point sources as well as offers must be configured.

Sequence Diagram

See the overall flow for this use case below.

CUSTOMER CUSTOMER CLIENT MIDDLEWARE CLIENT MIDDLEWARE SESSIONM SESSIONM MESSAGING PROVIDER MESSAGING PROVIDER CONFIGURE BIRTHDAY CAMPAIGN 1 Sign up for loyalty program 2Create standard profile orcustom profile You can also work with SM delivery contact to enablecombined upsert that sends both standard and custom profile in one call 3 Campaign evaluates if customer qualifies for campaign ruleset 4 Award customer point or offer outcome 5 Enqueue message 6 Send message payload and specify message template to trigger 7 Send message 8 Act on message (open/click/mark as spam)

General Constraints

If sending more than 1 million offers for birthday campaigns, please consult with your SessionM team. Note that by default SessionM does not accept profiles from loyalty customers under age 13. Please work with the SessionM team to determine if you have any customers under that age.